Thinking about Subtitles

  • They often need to make the dialogue simpler and shorter for reading rather than literally reproducing exactly what is said.

Prepare an example from a YouTube clip to show how this is a common problem and put it on your blog.

  • They have to readable against both a dark and a light background?   How will you achieve this?

Prepare an example from a YouTube clip to show how this is a common problem and put it on your blog.

  • Where they are usually positioned on the screen? Do they always have to be in the same place?
  • How long are subtitles usually on the screen for?  In your opinion are they on for the right amount of time or too short or too long?  What is the significance of this?
  • What is the preferred typeface for subtitles?

Prepare examples of different typefaces (fonts) from some clips to show the differences and decide which ones you prefer and why.

  • What is the preferred size for subtitles? Are they always the same?

Do some experiments in your editing program and show some clips or screen shots on your blog of these experiments.

Finally make your decision on style and size and justify your choice.

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